I cannot express the gratitude and love I have for my husband. He constantly reminds me of how lucky I am to be the one who gets to spend eternity with him. Here are a few of the many reasons why I love him so much!
He always knows just what to do for me! He is very attentive and has often given me just the thing that I wanted or needed. For example, on Valentine's Day this year he gave me a book. 'What to expect when you're expecting.' It meant the world to me! I have been worrying about whether I have been freaking him out or annoying him by talking about baby things, and he let me know that it isn't bothering him at all and that he is glad that I am getting prepared. Also, for a similar reason (me thinking I'm irritating him and him wanting to tell me that I'm not) took me on a date one day when he didn't have school. We went around to different places to get 'ideas' and thoughts about our future. He took me to the mall and we looked in shops that had pictures that we could put up in our house, shops that had baby clothes and maternity clothes, and things like that. We went to Babies R' Us to look at all things baby. We went to RC Willey to look a furniture that we like. And a few days after that, we spent the day touring model homes and getting ideas for what we like in a house (for the far future). It was so much fun and so nice to know that he cares about it just as much as I do!
He lets me know that he loves me. Jon often brings home flowers for me. Sometimes because I have had a bad day, sometimes just because, sometimes because 'he' has had a bad day. He is so thoughtful and always wants to make sure I'm happy. He'll stop his homework to come over and give me random hugs. He loves to cuddle and we often watch movies just for that reason. He just loves to give. He encourages me to be the best that I can. To work hard to finish my school, to live healthy, to do the things that I don't like when it needs to be done. He is the one who keeps me going when things get tough, he is always there to uplift me.
He works so hard in all that he does. He works super hard in school so that he can graduate, he worked hard on his MCAT to make sure that we could go to the best school possible. He keeps up with the bills, which is great because I always forget. He initiates those frustrating moments when we have to talk about something important like finances and the future. He worries about things that are going to make our lives difficult. He does so much work for us and our future and really wants the best for us. I am so glad that he is willing to the do the hard and 'crappy' stuff because it needs to be done, rather than putting it off because it's not fun.
I am so happy to be married to him. We have such a wonderful life! There are people who work or have husbands that work in dead end jobs. Some have to live with their parents, sometimes even when they are married. Some have bad health problems that need to be taken care of. Some have to spend a lot of time away from their spouse. And I'm not saying that those people aren't happy, because I'm sure that they are, but it certainly makes me grateful for my life. I get to see Jonathan at a decent hour every night, he doesn't have school on Friday so I get to see him then. He works for a summer job company so I never have to wait for him to come home from work during the school year. Because he works for said company, we have the money to get a few of the nicer things that we enjoy. We both have good health and get to live on our own. And he is working to become a doctor!! A doctor!! How lucky did I get?! I mean, isn't it every parents dream (and girl's dream) to get married to a doctor or a lawyer or other important careers? I don't know how I got to be so lucky to not only get a man who will have a great career, but one who still wants to make sure that he'll be there for me and for our family, one who loves me more than anything and who doesn't want to spend unnecessary time away from me.
There are so many things I love about Jonathan, this doesn't even begin to cover it! I am so truly blessed and I will always thank God for this gift that he gave to me. I don't know how I deserved someone like him.
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