Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hello lovely readers!!

I wanted to share some awesome news today!! Jonathan and I are expecting our first child!!!! We are SO EXCITED!!!

Here is our story!

On Sept. 25th I was supposed to go to the dentist to get my surgery started to get my tooth implant (woohoo!)! I hadn't taken a pregnancy test in a few weeks so I figured I should probably make sure I wasn't pregnant before my appointment (due to chemicals and such).  I was SURE that I wasn't pregnant! I was feeling cramping every once in a while so I was sure that I wasn't.  But I took the test first thing in the morning and then snuggled with Jonathan in bed for a few minutes.  When we got up he came with me and I walked right over to the test and picked it up, sure that it was going to negative.  To my immense surprise there were 2 lines!!! 2 VERY solid pink lines!! I couldn't believe it!

So, I called my dentist and had to cancel my appointment until I'm out of my first trimester and then called the doctor to schedule my first appointment! We had NO idea how far along I was, due to my cycle being so irregular so they had me come in as soon as they could fit me in (the following Monday and again on Tuesday).  On Monday (October 1st) I went in and just met with the nurse and we talked as she gave me lots of information.  Then on Tuesday I came in and saw the doctor and they did an ultrasound to figure out how big the baby was!

We found out I was 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant and my due date is MAY 27TH!!

It was so cool to see the little spot on the ultrasound.  Jonathan and the doctor even got to see a little heart beat flickering (I was too far away).  SO AWESOME!!

After that we spent the next few days cleaning out our spare room, which will now be a nursery!! We cleaned and painted and even went out and bought a few things (stroller and carseat, crib, and dresser to use as a changing table).  I REALLY hated the spare room before but it looks so good now!! It's awesome!!

(Ugly gray walls with our sample paint)

(Painting it white)

(All white! Even the ceiling to match!)

(Yellow stripes)

(Gray stripes plus putting together the crib!)

Then on Saturday the 6th we called our families on Skype and told them we wanted to show them our Halloween decorations and then said we had one more.  We put a sign on the nursery door that said "Get Ready!" and then showed them the room where we had put up a sign announcing that we were pregnant!! Their reactions were AWESOME and we recorded them! Once we put the video together I will definitely post it here! :)

So yeah!! We did it!! I'm pregnant!!! I'm feeling pretty good.  A little nauseated when I get hungry and I am REALLY thirsty for water ALL the time!! But I'm feeling great!! :)  I plan to start taking bump photos starting at 10 weeks! :)  The following photos were taken the day we found out! :)

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