Monday, October 29, 2012

|{ End Of Fall + Bump Update }|

I decided that this last weekend was probably the last weekend of Fall.  Temperatures are definitely dropping over here and I have a feeling (or at least hoping) that we'll get some snow sooner rather than later!! It definitely is starting to feel like winter...and I LOVE it!! :)

We finally made it to the cider mill over the weekend! Definitely later than we would have liked to and most of the leaves are gone so it wasn't very Autumn looking.  I'm sure we would have gone earlier had there been apples to pick, but since it was such a bad harvest year there were no apples to pick.  So we went to Erwin Orchards, got some donuts and cider and went home.  Short trip but at least we made it.  And I actually didn't get cider.... since I'm pregnant and the cider is not pasteurized I had to get hot cocoa instead.  On the plus side, at the least the year that I didn't get cider and the year we couldn't pick apples ended up being in the same year.

On Saturday night we had our ward Halloween party.  We ran out of time and creativity this year when it came to costumes so I ended up at K-mart to buy our 50% off costumes.  At least we still looked pretty cute.  There were so many good costumes at the party! Everyone looked great and it was a lot of fun!

How Far Along:  10 weeks!

How Big Is Baby:  Baby is the size of a prune! (1.2 inches long, weighs .14 ounces)

Total Weight Gain:  I'm at 143 (pre-pregnancy weight was about 140)

Sleep:  Pretty good, though starting to dread the only sleeping on my side thing, it's not gonna be very comfy.

Best Moment Of The Week:  Spending Sunday with my husband eating chili and corn bread, and the Ward Halloween Party!

Food Cravings:  None. 

Food Aversions:  None.

Practically none this week.
Nausea- Pretty much gone.
Breakouts- The only thing really bothering me!
Other- Sore boobies, mild fatigue.

Gender:  Getting excited to find out!

What I'm Looking Forward To:  Seeing my family over Christmas! Can't wait to share my pregnancy joy with them! 

What I Miss:  Cider from the Orchard!

Next Doctor Appointment:  Tomorrow!! 

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!!

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Monday, October 22, 2012

|{ 9 Week Bump Update }|

I was originally going to start my updates at week 10, but I got too anxious so I decided to start a week early! :)  I had a couple of ideas as to what I wanted to do with these photos, I kind of wanted to do them outside but decided that due to weather it might make it difficult.  Then I thought that maybe I could do them in from of my window so you could still see the change of seasons but I couldn't make the photos look good due to too much background light. So I decided to do them in front of my fireplace, where you can still see the 'change of season' due to my decorations.  

I also am planning to take a nontraditional 'bump' photo each week, I'll start doing that next week.  :) 

So here we go! My first bump update post! 

How Far Along:  9 weeks!

How Big Is Baby:  Baby is the size of a green olive!

Total Weight Gain:  I haven't checked in a while, but last time I checked I was about 4 pounds higher than my pre-pregnancy weight.

Sleep:  Sleep is great! I feel pretty tired during the day so I always sleep just fine.

Best Moment Of The Week:  I started my new job on Monday!! That was exciting! I also got to do my first real pregnancy massage on someone and it went great! :)  It was kind of weird to think that there were 4  people in the massage room instead of just 2. :)

Food Cravings:  I had a friend tell me that he didn't believe pregnancy cravings were real (which I suppose makes sense) so I'm interested to see if I really feel like I am having specific cravings rather than regular non-pregnant cravings.  So far, not craving anything in particular. 

Food Aversions:  Anything with too strong of a smell, like my husbands sardines or hot dogs.  Nothing sounds good when I'm hungry so it's been kind of hard to decide what to eat.

Nausea-  Not bad, just a little queasy when I get hungry.  There was one evening this week that was particular bothersome, but still not bad enough to throw up or anything.
Cramping- Very slight, only every once a while.  I still hate when it happens though, I'm afraid something is wrong when I feel it but it's never bad.
Other- Mild fatigue, breakouts, slightly heightened emotions, sore boobies.

Gender:  No idea! When asked what we are hoping for we never have a real answer.  At the moment neither of us have a preference! Just healthy! Please be healthy!!

What I'm Looking Forward To:  I can't wait to start showing!! I want this bump to get bigger! :)

What I Miss:  Not a whole lot yet! I even kind of like my negative symptoms because it means I'm pregnant and I love that!! :)  Not even missing certain foods either because usually nothing sounds good.

Next Doctor Appointment:  October 30th! (Pretty sure it's going to be an ultrasound appointment and I can't wait!)

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

|{ Thoughts On Having A Unique Name }|

I love my name.  I have met one other person with my name in my life and there have been a few times where people say they have met someone with my name. BUT, I have never met someone with my same spelling.  I'm not saying there aren't because I know there are, I've looked my name up on Facebook and there are plenty of people. :)

As I have looked on the internet for baby names or heard about people talking about naming your kids with a unique name, the feedback is often (though not always) negative.  People say things like, "No one will be able to pronounce it", "They will get made fun of", "They will always have to correct people and they'll hate that", etc.

However, as someone who has a unique name, I don't agree.  Yes, people say my name wrong, though as the years go on and more and more people have unique names it happens less often, I think people are getting used to it.  I have never been made fun of.  I don't always correct people, only when I know I'll see them again, and I don't really mind.  I don't get mad when people say it wrong.  It really doesn't bother me.

Most of my conversations go like this, "How do you say your name?"- "Shalay"- "Where does it come from? Is it Irish?"- "No, my Mom made it up actually."- "Well it's absolutely beautiful, I've never heard that before."

My Mom did make up my name, I asked her how exactly she did that because I can't even imagine just making up a name and she said that she was just putting letters together one day.  I had my name picked out before my parents even met.  My Mom even wrote me a letter, with my name, before she had met my Dad.

I'm proud of my name, I like that it's unique!  So I say, if you want to name your baby something unique then go for it! :) (Just don't let it get too out of hand, there are some crazy ones out there! Haha!)

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Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hello lovely readers!!

I wanted to share some awesome news today!! Jonathan and I are expecting our first child!!!! We are SO EXCITED!!!

Here is our story!

On Sept. 25th I was supposed to go to the dentist to get my surgery started to get my tooth implant (woohoo!)! I hadn't taken a pregnancy test in a few weeks so I figured I should probably make sure I wasn't pregnant before my appointment (due to chemicals and such).  I was SURE that I wasn't pregnant! I was feeling cramping every once in a while so I was sure that I wasn't.  But I took the test first thing in the morning and then snuggled with Jonathan in bed for a few minutes.  When we got up he came with me and I walked right over to the test and picked it up, sure that it was going to negative.  To my immense surprise there were 2 lines!!! 2 VERY solid pink lines!! I couldn't believe it!

So, I called my dentist and had to cancel my appointment until I'm out of my first trimester and then called the doctor to schedule my first appointment! We had NO idea how far along I was, due to my cycle being so irregular so they had me come in as soon as they could fit me in (the following Monday and again on Tuesday).  On Monday (October 1st) I went in and just met with the nurse and we talked as she gave me lots of information.  Then on Tuesday I came in and saw the doctor and they did an ultrasound to figure out how big the baby was!

We found out I was 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant and my due date is MAY 27TH!!

It was so cool to see the little spot on the ultrasound.  Jonathan and the doctor even got to see a little heart beat flickering (I was too far away).  SO AWESOME!!

After that we spent the next few days cleaning out our spare room, which will now be a nursery!! We cleaned and painted and even went out and bought a few things (stroller and carseat, crib, and dresser to use as a changing table).  I REALLY hated the spare room before but it looks so good now!! It's awesome!!

(Ugly gray walls with our sample paint)

(Painting it white)

(All white! Even the ceiling to match!)

(Yellow stripes)

(Gray stripes plus putting together the crib!)

Then on Saturday the 6th we called our families on Skype and told them we wanted to show them our Halloween decorations and then said we had one more.  We put a sign on the nursery door that said "Get Ready!" and then showed them the room where we had put up a sign announcing that we were pregnant!! Their reactions were AWESOME and we recorded them! Once we put the video together I will definitely post it here! :)

So yeah!! We did it!! I'm pregnant!!! I'm feeling pretty good.  A little nauseated when I get hungry and I am REALLY thirsty for water ALL the time!! But I'm feeling great!! :)  I plan to start taking bump photos starting at 10 weeks! :)  The following photos were taken the day we found out! :)

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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

|{ My Researcher }|

Things have been very busy over here in the Peterson household!  The hubby was about to start his 3rd year of medical school, in which he would get to start with rotations, when life threw us a curve ball.

Though it was really hard to go through at the time and left us feeling frustrated and angry I think that it turned out for the better!

Jonathan found a great lab to do research in this year instead, postponing medical school until next year! He is already having a lot of success, he is getting paid for it, and he will get MANY publications out of it which will help him to get into a really good residency!

He has been VERY VERY busy!! Definitely more busy than his classmates who did get to start their 3rd year! He spends every day in lab, even the weekends, and is there from around 8-10 in the morning to 8-12 every evening! I don't get to see him much so when I do I try to take advantage of it.  Usually the weekends are less busy when he only goes in for a few hours.  He has had a few days off, mostly for things like birthdays and my graduation, and those days are always awesome!

I am so proud of him for all the work that he has been doing and I'm excited for our future! He's so amazing!!

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