Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Friday!

Look people! I remembered!!

This week my dear Jonathan rocks because he takes care of everybody.

My husband is so giving! He works hard to take care of me and to make sure I'm happy but he also wants to make sure other people are as well. If there is a family member or friend visiting then he works super hard to make sure they are comfortable and have everything they need and want. He worries so much about his recruits that he brought out here for the summer and he works super hard to try to help them be as successful as they can be. So many people look up to him and he really puts a lot of effort into making sure that he lives up to their expectations.

I love him so much! He is such an amazing man and he has so much to give! He is truly amazing. I really look up to him. He has so much more drive than I do and I learn so much from him! I love you Jonathan!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Better Half

Big surprise, I missed it again!! My husband really does rock people! Haha. Yesterday I wasn't home all day and so I missed it again.

As I was falling asleep last night, with our mattress on the living room floor and both me and my husband still feeling a little sick, I looked over at my sleeping husband and thought about all the things that have been going on in our lives lately. I couldn't help but be grateful for all that my husband does for me. He goes out to work even when he isn't feeling well and he always knows how to make me feel better. So even on those days when I'm feeling sorry for myself and like no one likes me he is always right there to cheer me up and tell me how silly I am being.

I love knowing that if I didn't have any friends at all and it was just him and I together that we would be more than happy. I don't need anybody but him and sometimes I wish it was just us. Don't get me wrong, I love all my friends and family!! haha! I'm just so happy to know that when we move away and suddenly don't know anybody that we will be perfectly happy. I'm so in love with Jonathan. He is everything to me! I saw this quote today and thought I would share:

Here's to love...fluttering butterflies and earthquakes to the soul.

I thought it was so cute and absolutely true. I love those butterflies which are so tender but those earthquakes...when you so filled up with love that it shakes you to the soul...that is the best feeling you can ever have!

I love you so much Jonathan!! Thanks for being such an amazing man, husband, and lover!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dallas Cowboys

So first of all, wow, I can't believe I keep forgetting about My Husband Rocks Friday! I'll try to work on that! haha!

Things in Dallas have been interesting. This summer has been a lot different from the other summers. There have been a lot more issues and it hasn't really been as fun as the other summers. But it's okay. I'm just glad this is our last summer! I'm still having fun with Jess, so we're definitely having a good time! However, there have been a lot of rumors running around since we left Nashville and it's been pretty frustrating. Oh well, it's life. People can think what they want.

Last week we went to go and see the new Dallas Cowboys stadium! We were just going to look at it around the outside but we ended up checking it out on the inside too. With some of Pat's super talent at getting what he wants we ended up getting to see a lot of stuff! We went down to the field and saw the Cowboys practicing! We found out that it also happened to be the only day of the year that they let people inside while they were practicing! Talk about luck!!

Once they left the field we got to go onto it and then we went and saw the locker room and the cheerleaders locker room too! It was really cool! I'm not super interested in the cowboys but it was a pretty amazing place. The Superbowl is going to be there this year so it's pretty cool that we got to be on the actual field! It was amazing!! We had so much fun! What would we do without Patrick!!? He is pretty awesome!

I am super excited for Amber to get here next week!! It's going to be pretty fun! I think that Jess's sister is trying to come out around the same time that my sister is leaving. So that should be fun too! I am planning on taking a lot of pictures, finally, while she is here! It's going to be pretty awesome!!

Really though we are just excited to get to Michigan! We are done with summer sales and we are so ready to move on and do something that we really want to do! I also found a new job and should be starting sometime within the next week or so! It sounds a lot better than my previous job so I'm excited! Other things going on, well I know TONS of people who are engaged, just got married, just got pregnant, or just had babies!! My sister (at heart) Taleya just got engaged to a great guy and I'm so happy for them!! I could go on and on about everyone but I'll just say a special congrats to Rochele who found out she is having a boy; Leslie, who just announced she was pregnant; Whitney, who is getting really close to full term after having previous pregnancy problems; and Carrie who just had a baby boy!! You are all wonderful ladies and I'm so glad to call you friends!!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Blessings in Dallas

Things have been interesting since we moved to Dallas. There have been a lot of bad things happen, mostly just drama with people. So and so doesn't like so and so, so and so did this, so and so did that... It's been exhausting but in the end the good things have outweighed the bad things.

We love it here in Dallas. The weather is amazing! Humid but not overly so, hot, but generally not too bad. Jon has been doing really well here! Much better than in Nashville. He hasn't gone even one day without selling anything and that feels so good. On Monday he sold 4 systems for the first time this summer and it feels great! We have been having a lot of fun with Jess and Mac! It's always nice to make friends that you end up caring about so much and to have them care about you in return is something to cherish. We are so happy to be able to spend so much time with them! I love having friends like that. Jess and Rochele are my angels and I love them so much!! Though we miss Erick and Kira like crazy!!!!

I have been looking for a job and have just found one!! It's perfect!! I will be working on Tuesday through Saturday from 1-9 pm. It's exactly the same schedule as Jon minus Monday and I can't believe how perfect it is going to be! Much better than my previous job! I will also be getting benefits in 3 months and will be getting a pay raise hopefully in not too long. We feel very blessed to be out here. Things are going well. We are catching up financially and this weekend we will be getting a nice push in the right direction when Jon gets paid and we are so grateful for that!

My sister, Amber (Nichelle) is coming to see me around the 23rd of June and I AM SO EXCITED!! She wanted to stay for at least a month but unfortunately we could only work in about 3 weeks but it's still a long time and we can't wait for her to get here! We are going to have fun at the pool and watch Color Splash Miami and do whatever we want!! It's going to be great!! And next summer she'll get to stay longer!!

Kira just graduated high school and I am so happy for her! I miss her like crazy and I wish I could see her too!!

We are loving life! We get to buy stuff to make sushi this weekend which rocks!! We are so happy together and we don't even care that people are spreading rumors around about us. It doesn't matter. We are so happy and we love our lives!!